the school of life - on family

the interview tapes

The joys and challenges of family life; an audio visual project.

Families are a mystery. Is everyone’s as complicated as ours? Is there such a thing as a ‘normal’ one? We generally only get to see the polished exteriors and are left to imagine what might be going on behind closed doors.

To mark the publication of ‘On Family’ from The School of Life Kate Peters and Lina Prestwood, with kind permission from the participants, revisited the original research tapes to produce an audio visual exploration into the fragile reality of everyday family life.

Original interview tapes recorded at subjects’ homes on iPhone by Kate Peters.
Sound edited by Scenery Studios.
Video edited by David Bamford.
Photography by Kate Peters.

With immense gratitude to Alex, Heidi, Aimée, Simon, Sue, Tara and Christian for trusting us to share their stories.